Recap – The quote above reminds me of our game against Tiverton this past week. We played a very tough, physical Tiverton team, and despite being behind in the score, we never gave up the fight, showing we have the heart and will to win! We learned some things from this game that we will take with us through the remainder of the season and into the playoffs. A HUGE thanks to the Kennedy and DeCubellis families for providing pizza and snacks and drinks on the ride home. The team devoured everything!!
Community Service – On
Saturday May 13, 2012, the team met at The
Garden of Hope and Remembrance in Christopharo Park for a spring cleanup of
the garden. The
girls attacked the weeds, and debris with the same vigor they attack the game,
and at the end of the cleanup the garden looked fabulous! Mr. and Mrs. DeCubellis treated us to pizza
and drinks and donated $100 to the NHS Girls Lacrosse account in appreciation
for your work. The timing was perfect as
a group of people arrived to take graduation pictures after everyone left, and
the garden looked beautiful! Thanks so much John and Meg for your support
and generosity!
This Week’s Plans – We play
our last three games of the regular season this week:
Monday, May 14: Home
versus Westerly – SENIOR DAY. Game starts at 4 pm. Be at the field by 3pm.
Wednesday, May 16: Away versus Middletown (directions). Note: Start Time moved to 7pm (previously set to
6pm); No JV game. Bus leaves at 5:45 pm.
Friday, May 18: Home versus Portsmouth. Game
starts at 3:45 pm. Be at the field by 3 pm.
Pasta parties are being planned
for Tuesday and Thursday after practice.
US Lacrosse All-Academic Honors
and Rhode
Island All Academic Team – Please have
your forms to me by Monday May 14, 2012
Important Dates - There are some upcoming dates you need to
be aware of:
4, 2012 - Coaches Select Game (formerly the all-star game)–
location TBA. Coaches select players will be announced at the end of the
13, 2012 - All-Division Awards Banquet –6pm at the West Valley Inn.
Tickets will be approximately $20 per person. All players / parents
are invited. I need a head count as soon as possible to reserve seats for
Game Pictures – A free-lance photographer was at our Middletown and has posted action
shots of several of the girls during the Middletown game. Over 450 pictures were taken. Check
it out!